Effective Digital Pedagogies


A research practice partnership with

The Manaiakalani Programme

Project overview

In 2012, the Manaiakalani Education Trust contracted Te Pūtahi Whakatairanga Hapori Ako Angitu Woolf Fisher Research Centre at the University of Auckland to evaluate their educational programme, which was being taught in a small number of schools in Auckland. Over the course of the study, the academic team at the Research Centre are providing ongoing feedback to schools, leaders, teachers, and whānau, and supporting the Manaiakalani Education Trust in the formative use of research data and collective sense-making, as well as developing hypotheses for change. To read more, please visit this page.

Research and development overview

Twice a year, we collect achievement data from our schools and present it back to clusters. We analyse patterns of teaching and learning in 1-1 digital environments through classroom observations once per year; we analyse perceptions of teachers and leaders through questionnaires; and we have conducted detailed case studies of “promising practices” — that is to say, practices that are effective in digital learning environments. To read more about our research, visit this page.

Research design

The measures we use include classroom observations, student achievement records, and questionnaire results from the wider school community. All these measures are based on what we call the Learning Schools Model (LSM), a research-based model for solving problems at a cluster, school, and classroom level. To learn more about our measures and the Learning Schools Model, please visit this page.

Research questions

  • What Learn, Create, Share practices in teaching and learning are associated with accelerated progress in reading, writing, mathematics and NCEA?
  • What identifiably effective Learn, Create, Share practices in teaching and learning are also associated with increased student engagement, teacher engagement, or whānau engagement?
  • What are the practices of whānau and learners that are associated with accelerated progress?

Watch a short clip in which Dr Rebecca Jesson talks about how creativity empowers learning.