Other projects by the Te Pūtahi Whakatairanga Hapori Ako Angitu
Woolf Fisher Research Centre
Established in 1998 with funds from the Woolf Fisher Trust, Te Pūtahi Whakatairanga Hapori Ako Angitu Woolf Fisher Research Centre is an internationally recognised centre for the development of education and schooling success for diverse communities within New Zealand, with a particular focus on Māori and Pasifika communities. The Centre has spent more than 15 years developing a model to raise and extend student achievement, working in approximately 400 schools and in 5 countries to date.
We have successfully raised literacy levels in urban decile 1 schools to within the national average, and have improved results in a range of other schools including rural and small town schools. In addition to promoting research-based educational interventions, the Centre provides a vehicle for research expertise for local communities, contributes to developing teacher education programmes which are responsive to local needs and goals, promotes tertiary education pathways and contributes to research at the The University of Auckland. Below are some of the most recent projects from Te Pūtahi Whakatairanga Hapori Ako Angitu Woolf Fisher Research Centre. To read more about us, see our University of Auckland page.

Summer Learning Journey
The Summer Learning Journey is a blogging programme developed by Dr Rachel Williamson that has been running since 2015. Traditionally, students experience a ‘slump’ over summer where reading and writing skill levels actually drop between the end of Term 4 and the start of Term 1, so the Summer Learning Journey provides students with an opportunity to practice their reading and writing over the holiday period.

Developing in Digital Worlds
Developing in Digital Worlds is a four-year project conducted by the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Education and Social Work and funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. It is the first study in the world to identify links between teaching, family participation, and game-based learning in order to promote educational outcomes and equity. The project focuses on children age 4-17 years to test how to promote cognitive and social development in the ’21st Century’ digital world.
Learning@Home is a pilot programme developed by Dr Rebecca Jesson and Naomi Rosedale in response to school students increasingly using digital technologies at home to enhance their learning and bridge the school-home divide. The Learning@Home site equips families with strategies to enhance children’s literacy within a digital learning environment at home. The aim is to provide families with answers for what they need to know and do in order to enhance their children’s literacy.